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Great Arley


School Motto


Our Parent, Teacher and Family Association has its own facebook page @GreatarleyPTFA. Here you can see some of the events and activities they have organised and find out more information.


If you would like to find out more or are thinking about joining or supporting the PTFA, please contact the school office who will be happy to direct your call.


PTFA Fundraising

We are very fortunate here at Great Arley School to have a PTFA that is such an integral part of our school. The PTFA raises as much money as possible, to be spent on new experiences, equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education.


Our PTFA also creates a number of social events throughout the year. This gives parents, carers, families, friends, students and staff the opportunity to get together, socialise and strengthen the Great Arley family community. This is priceless.


In recent years the PTFA has raised enough money to provide a huge range of equipment, resources and experiences for our students. 


We are so grateful to all the charities, organisations, businesses, grant awarding bodies and individual parents for all the tremendous support you continue to give to support our PTFA and make such a difference to outcomes for our students.


Help out when you check out! Collect FREE donations for our school every time you shop online with Easy Fundraising. Please click on the link below for more information, or scan the QR Code  -


Easy Fundraising   


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