The Key Stage 3 Curriculum
The Curriculum
We cover all the subjects and areas of National Curriculum at a level which is appropriate for the needs of each of our students. Most subjects are delivered to the class by the class teacher through cross curricular themes, for example, English, Creative Curriculum and mathematics lessons. History, geography and art are taught as part of the student's creative curriculum, which also includes foreign language experiences. Aspects of personal, social, health and economic development, religious education and citizenship are also linked to a topic covered for each term or half term. Subject specialist teachers deliver Science, Cooking and Nutrition, Computing, PE, Music, Design Technology, Gardening and Art and Design.
Personal Learning
Students work towards Personal Learning Goals (PLGs), which are short term targets, set according to the student's outcomes in their Education, Health and Care Plans. These are reviewed throughout the year and implemented across the full school curriculum. Parents and carers have access to their child's progress towards PLGs using the Evidence for Learning app.
Further timetabled intervention includes sensory diets, speech, language and communication sessions, physiotherapy programmes, social skills development and emotional resilience. You will be informed if your child takes part in any of these discrete interventions.
Aspirational Activities
Our KS3 Aspirational Activities Programme which takes place every Friday afternoon provides our students with a wide variety of enriching and motivating experiences to build personal and technical skills that they might not otherwise have opportunities to develop. Staff share their strengths and passion for a range of activities such as music, cooking, sports and much more. This is also an opportunity for pupils to socialise and make friendships with pupils who are not in their class.
We believe these activities foster talents our students have and help students to develop their own interests and curiosity, develop a sense of responsibility, grow in confidence, have a sense of achievement and pride, promotes higher academic achievement, improved social, organisation and time management skills, improved fine and gross motor skills and physical fitness and skills.
Key Stage 3 students are also given the opportunity to attend an annual outdoor education residential visit. Students are also offered a range of after school clubs and participation in local sporting events and competitions including, tag rugby, football, golf, boccia, curling, athletics, rounders and swimming.
Enhancement of our KS3 Curriculum
It is important to provide our students with as many motivational and relevant learning experiences as possible so therefore within Key Stage 3 we offer a range of educational visits linked to our curriculum, opportunities to meet visitors and members of our wider communities.
Parents and Carers
There will be a number of opportunities for parents and carers to come into our school and meet staff and students to celebrate achievements and progress through a range of events including coffee mornings, fundraisers, celebration assemblies, learning activities and sports days. We have termly parents and carers consultation evenings in addition to the annual review meetings.
Contacting us
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum students follow in our KS3 phase, please contact Ms Charlotte Oates, our KS3 Leader.