School Logo

Great Arley


School Motto

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Phonics and Reading

Class teachers deliver daily phonics lessons which allows dedicated time for students to work on particular stages of sounds, spellings, reading and writing, specific to their learning needs.


The Curriculum

The KS4 curriculum concentrates on students acquiring basic skills with a focus on accreditation, vocational learning and healthy lifestyles. It also works towards students' increased independence both in their learning and life skills as they prepare for their transition to college, work based learning or continuing education.


The curriculum and accreditation offered is differentiated according to the needs of the student and their individual learning style to provide sufficient challenge and support. Provision also considers the transition to post 16 placements.


Pupils are taught in mixed age groups for Maths and English to ensure they follow the most appropriate accreditation.  The ASDAN Transition Challenge Program is delivered to a mixed year group of students who have additional learning needs and styles and has a greater focus on life skills and independence for adulthood. 


Students are taught in their own class for Careers, RE, PSHE and aspects of the ASDAN Development Programmes. Subject specialist teachers deliver Science, Cooking and Nutrition, Computing, PE, Music, Design Technology, Gardening and Art and Design. 



Key Stage 4 Accreditation Courses

This curriculum entitlement will allow all learners, irrespective of need, ability or disability to follow a progressive pathway linked to Core and Foundation Learning subjects, vocational and personal development routes. We offer individual units of accreditation/certification across a wide range of subjects and life skills through the AQA Unit Award Scheme.



Exam Board 







Step Up to English 

Entry Level 

Level 1 Functional Skills 

Life Skills Challenge 





Entry Level 

Level 1 Functional Skills 

Life Skills Challenge 



Entry Level



Short Course 

Life Skills Challenge 



Raising Aspirations 

Short Course 

Job Junction 

Art and Design


Arts Award Bronze 

Arts Award Discover & Explore 

Cooking and Nutrition


Life Skills Challenges 




Enterprise Short Course 

Life Skills Challenge 



Arts Award Bronze 

Arts Award Discover & Explore 

Curriculum as a whole 

Duke of Edinburgh Award 



D of E Bronze Award 


Transition Challenge Award 

Unit Awards 


College Links Courses / Transition Planning

Year 10 students attend college taster sessions every Thursday afternoon and year 11 students every Friday afternoon. These sessions help students to understand their post 16 options and increase their independence with both learning and life skills. Representatives from the Colleges and Further Education providers attend the year 11 Annual Review where the students’ transition to their post 16 placement can be discussed in more depth. 


Assessment, Target Setting and Interventions

All students are assessed regularly so that students, staff and parents have accurate information on their progress. Through the setting of daily learning intentions across the curriculum and termly personal learning goals targets, students can work towards achieving their goals and their wider Education Health and Care Plan outcomes. Interventions are set so that students can receive additional support to achieve their targets. Further timetabled interventions include communication, speech and language sessions, social skills development and physiotherapy programmes. 

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum students follow in our KS4 phase, please contact Mrs Kath Easton, our KS4 Leader. 


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