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Great Arley


School Motto


Worry Box - supporting our students


Sometimes it might be hard to talk or ask for help in school. 


If you would prefer to let us know any worries, concerns, or anything at all, you can send the wellbeing team a message here and we will chat to you as soon as we can. 


Click here to ask for help or share how you feel

Wellbeing and Mental Health

In times of crisis, help is available. If you need urgent help as you are in mental health distress, then there is always someone you can call.

An NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Mental Health Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 0800 953 0110. Ring it if you need to access services or for advice about someone who needs treatment or support.


You can also find more information about NHS mental health services and self-help by visiting the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust website.


NHS advice and support


For information and advice on health issues and health services visit

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